Instagram Tag You’re It!

Instagram’s latest fad is “tagging” a friend so that they have to write 5 things you didn’t already know about them. I love reading them and anxiously waited to see if I was popular enough to get tagged. It felt a little like getting picked for sports teams in junior high but, I got picked a lot sooner than with this ig-game.

IMG_2780Anyway, when my friend from Calgary finally tagged me I felt like changing the game up a little bit and writing “5 Things You WISH You Didn’t Know About Me.”

Here they were:


Here are some more peculiar attributes that I’ll write for the sake of amusing future posterity.

After all, that is the main reason I keep a blog right?

6. I’ve always viewed my nose as abnormally large but have realized that I was just comparing mine to the itsy-bitsy-sized noses of my four sisters.

7. I drank out of a bottle until I was 7. I was even making my own by then.

8. I cry and sniffle in any type of sad. Once an entire movie theatre looked at me because I sobbed at a quite part of 13 Going On 30.

9. If I could do anything for work, I would be an artist that donates all my profit to a children’s charity.

10. Christopher loves playing with my earlobes and I love it…until they get soar because he’s been squeezing them for so long.

11. I epliday my legs instead of shave. I haven’t shaved since I was 16! But don’t worry, my legs are not all hairy. I do get the random ingrown hair and I love picking at them!

12. My pet peeve is hearing someone smack their lips while eating.

13. I automatically start counting how many seconds it takes to fill my bottle from a water fountain. Or I count how many gulps I take, trying to reach 10.

14. When I drink out of a juice box, I don’t stop till the box is crinkling because it’s so empty. I can’t ever stop!

15. I HATE being alone because I think something will happen to me and no one will know where I went.

16. My Mom made me an angel food cake as tall as I was for my 5th birthday and I still remember it.

17. I correct people’s English grammar. “It went  well.” Not, “It went good.”

18. In elementary I had the boys in my class pay me 10 cents every time they said a swear. I don’t know why, but they agreed to it!

19. I have a freckle on my right palm that is in the shape of a heart.

20. I love playing doubles more than singles.

21. I would rather play sports than go to a dance or dinner. I have way more fun and there’s no small talk.

22. I’ve kept an agenda (book or iphone form) since elementary. I need to write it down if I’m going to do it.

23. I played first chair french horn for all three years in our  jr. high band and was also in a private brass orchestra.

24. On my mission I was known as the “sister who hated elders”. I didn’t hate them at all! I was just phobic of being that flirty sister missionary so I decided to just talk with them as little as possible.

25. Cuddling with Christopher is the best part of my day. I feel so happy and safe in his arms.

Phew, I’m done. So now I tag you to tell me at least 5 things I don’t already know about you!

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